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solar system Archives | Importer & Wholeseller

On-grid inverter in Pakistan!

What Are Solar Inverters?

A solar inverter or a solar converter can convert the variable direct current output of photovoltaic solar panels into alternating current that can be used for commercial electrical grids or by the local and off-grid electrical networks. We are providing the best quality solar inverters. We offer the right device for you for every application. Moreover, without the inverter, the photovoltaic system will not work. That can be converted the direct current into an alternating current. These inverters are responsible to control of On-grid and can also monitor the connection of the grid. Pakistan solar traders offer a wide range of solar inverters. These different types of inverters are the on-grid inverter in Pakistan, off-grid inverter, and hybrid inverter. These inverters we offer to our clients.

On-Grid inverter/ Grid-tie inverter:

The on-Grid inverter also called a Grid-tie inverter. Moreover, this On-Grid inverter in Pakistan is a power inverter that converts the DC into AC. Also, the direct current can be converted into the alternating current with the ability to synchronize the interface of the utility line. on-grid inverter in Pakistan can convert the sources of direct current like solar panels or turbines, small wind turbines into the alternating current for tying with the grid.

On-Grid inverter in Pakistan and the Business industry!

Pakistan solar traders is a leading and innovative solar panels company in Lahore that provides quality solar panels at reasonable rates. Moreover, we design and sell small solar power modules. With all these, batteries, wind turbines, complete solar solutions, and solar inverters, like an On-Grid inverter in Pakistan, off-grid inverter, and hybrid inverter at reasonable rates. In the area of the business industry, the On-Grid inverter in Pakistan is very popular. Mostly usable for commercial use. So, you can hire us anytime and anywhere. We can assist you with the very best service solutions.

The On-Grid inverters are:

In addition to all above, the on-grid inverters are:

SMA Solar Inverter

Fronius Solar Inverter

Schneider Solar Inverter

Outback Solar Inverter

Goodwe Solar Inverter

We are providing all the types of inverters and other solar-related things like turbines, inverters, and batteries. Also, you can hire us for the installation purpose of solar panels. Moreover, you can contact us anytime and can navigate us via the map.

Is a 10 kW solar system in Pakistan is right for your home?

A 10 kW solar system is the best way to produce electricity from solar energy and decrease your bills to zero. With Net Metering System you will be able to sell the excess electricity that your system produces. These systems are the best and can give you benefits. Moreover, it will provide you with free energy for the coming 20 years. It is a small investment that goes a long way. As the solar system becomes popular day by day, the cost of solar is also cheaper over time. More peoples want to install a larger size of the solar system to get long-lasting benefits. This has led to a 10 kW solar system becomes rapid popular solar energy solutions for small offices and large homes. It is still a worthful investment that you might need that much energy or not.

How much does a 10 kW solar system cost in Pakistan?

As of June 2021, before incentives, the solar energy system will cost about $25,000 based on the average cost of the solar system. Also, after tax credits, it will be 20,000. It is also important to keep in mind that the price of the solar system varies from area to area. Moreover, in some areas, the additional cost of installation of the solar system may reduce even more.

How much does a 10 kW solar system will produce?

According to researches, a 10 kW installation kit will produce the 11,000 kW hours to almost 15,000-kilowatt-hour of electricity per year.

The best estimates of produced energy can be determined by area sun time.  Because in some areas the sun time is low and in some areas it is high. With the same in some areas, the solar power is high and climate is well n good most of the time, but it is not in some areas. So, the actual energy produced varies and depends on the area where you live. As because, in the sunnier area, it produced more electricity than in an area with less sunlight.

You can read or search more about how much electricity a solar panel produced based on the area location.

Is this solar system is best for the home?

Yes, this solar energy system will cover the average household energy needs of about 10,500 kWh of electricity per year. We know that the energy needs of the home are different from the average household. Energy consumption can also vary a lot from city to city. Homes in Karachi, for instance, will use more electricity than homes in another city. So, a 10 kW solar system might be ideally suitable for homes in every city or all over Pakistan.  It might be too big for a home, which uses less energy on average.

Moreover, it produces enough electricity that you may go for off-grid. The only thing you have to install the batteries to store the excess of electricity that a 10 kW solar system will produce.

Installing solar panel is a good idea!

Installing solar panels is a good idea for your homes to eliminate the bill!

Over the last decade or so, solar systems have driven a vital role and gained immense popularity because of the cost-effective source of electricity. As an alternate source of power, solar energy systems achieved a real breakthrough in the latest industry.  It is because of a burst of ample free sunshine across the country also throughout the whole year. Moreover, it is noticed that we can immensely lead the world with the power of solar output. But for that, there is excellent cooperation and incentive schemes of government can be required. The point of solar panels gains much popularity, and the reason behind the sudden boom of solar panels is that almost most companies and residents install them.  Installing solar panel kits countrywide is very simple for homes and companies.

Moreover, generating electricity from the sun is comparative both cost-friendly and eco-friendly. We know that power shortage in Pakistan is widespread, and in summers, it affects more. Also, the amount of sunlight the earth received in one hour can fulfill the needs of electricity of the entire population for one year. Are you surprised to hear that? Indeed you are; we were too when were we approximate it.

Are you confused? Where to place the Solar panel?

If you are confused about fixing the solar panels, then throw all of your worries away. Pakistan solar is ready to suggest the best options for you. Moreover, the best choice for the face of your solar panels is towards the south.  It is because your solar panel would receive much energy or sunlight. Also, we can say that to install solar panels in metropolitan the roofs appears the best choice or place. Furthermore, you can also easily install solar panels in rural areas or suburban.

In addition to mentioning all the above, it is essential to note that a conventional solar panel of the square foot would yield around the power of 5 to 10 watts. According to this, if you require to generate 1000 watts, you will need at least 100 to 200 square feet to mount the panels. Yes! We agree that solar panel mounting is quite expensive, so we don’t recommend this for those areas that are prone to strong wind or cyclones.

Is installing solar panels is costly?

If we come to the cost of installing a solar panel, then yes, it is bt costly. But it does not mean you continuously pay for months or until the sun continues to shine. No, this financial investment is not actual. The entire process of installing solar panels is rather heavy for the pocket as equipment does not come too cheap. However, we stated that it is a one-time expense. We are committed to ensuring you that it will cut down your electricity bill from day one.

Moreover, if you use a generator, then the price of fuel can be maximized daily. Indeed you have an idea. But solar panels save the cost of the generator and eliminating the essential effect of load shedding. You can hire us anytime and can navigate us via Google Map

5KW solar System in Lahore

5KW solar System in Lahore Installed  TownShip Mochipura Stop

The 5kw solar Power system makes about half a half of all solar systems sold in Pakistan. The 5 Kw solar system is a good investment. Perfect for small family, it offers great returns for energy-efficient homes. 5 Kw Solar system in Lahore is good enough to reduce bills and provide uninterruptible power supply round the clock.

How much does it cost?

Price for more than  400,000 worth 530,000 PKR to the standard 5 KW solar system. But it is important to note that the price is directly related to the quality. Although you can find affordable systems somewhere else, keeping within the price bracket ensures that you are buying better quality products. And whatever system you buy, you should also ensure that it comes with warranty. If this does not happen, it is a sign whose system is low quality and can not reach its distance.

Solar plant cost for 5Kw?

The 5kW solar system has 14 panels – ideal for small homes. Each panel measures about 2.3 meters x 1 meter, so you’ll need at least 32.3 square meters of surface area.

How much energy will it generate?

On average, a 5kW solar system generates 23.52 units per day. For the average family, this is enough for a third of your energy use. But if your home is highly energy efficient, the 5KW system can compensate for all your energy usage.

What’s the average payback period?

A good quality 5kW solar system in Lahore will deliver a full return on investment within 2.5-4 years. Use more of your solar power during the daylight hours (and export less power to the grid), and you’ll pay it off in no time.
And regardless of how long it takes to pay off your system, you’ll start saving on your electricity bills from day one – and isn’t that the whole point?

Product Parameters
 5KW Off Grid Solar Power System Components
Item Name Description Quantity
1 Solar Panel Mono 400w Solar Panel 14 Pcs
2 Inverter 5KW Off grid Solar Inverter 1 set
3 PV Combiner Box 2 Inputs  1 output 2 pc
4 Charger Controller Builtin (MPPT) Builtin
5 Battery 12V 200AH (Deep Cycle/Lead Acid/Gel) 4 unit
6 Solar Mounting Structure Roof/Ground Install (Customized) 1 set
7 PV Cable 6 mm DC PV Cable 60m 1 Core
8 MC4 MC4 Connector 4 prs
9 Standard Wooded Package + System Connecting Drawings (Easy Installing)
10 System Capacity could be adjustable according customer’s situation

What kind of household does it suit best?
This system’s great for a smaller household. So if you’re a retired couple using power throughout the day with an electricity budget of PKR2000-3000 per bill cycle, this may be the perfect system for you.
We want you to get the most solar has to offer. That means choosing the right system for your needs. So give us a call for a chat about which system best suits your lifestyle, budget and roof space.

100Kw Solar System

100 kW solar system features approx

. 280 to 350 solar panels and require around 656m2 of roof area. Your business could save more than 60% of your energy usage with a 100 kW solar panel installation.

A 100 kW solar PV system is comprised of quality components made up of solar PV panels and a solar inverter. These costs can be anywhere between PKR 100 X 100 KW = PKR 10,000,000 and will depend on the brands you select for your solar system.

Space Required for 100 kW solar panels?

A 100 kW solar system has around 280 to 350 PV panels. Each panel measures around 1.6m x 1m, so you’ll need at least 656m2 of roof space. A size comparison of commercial solar systems can be viewed here.

How much power produces?

On average, this system generates 400 to 480 units per day. For a large manufacturing facility, this covers 60%-70% of their electricity consumption.

How much green energy can save me?

How much money you get back from your solar system will depend on how much electricity you’re able to utilize at your business. Operating at 85% utilization, This solar PV system will save them PKR. 6,68,000 annually. If you’re able to utilize even more of the solar energy your system generates, this figure could be even higher.

What’s the average payback period of a 100 kW Solar Solution?

A good quality solar system will deliver a full return on investment within 3 to 5 years.
Plus, by taking advantage of one of Infinite Energy’s many finance options, like Solar Leasing, you can remain cash flow positive from day one.

What kind of business does a 100 kW commercial solar PV system suit best?
This system’s great for large manufacturing facilities and organizations with high energy usage. We’ve installed 100kW systems at Gilmac, a premier exporter of Australian hay and straw located in York; Universal Seafoods, an importer, exporter, distributor and wholesaler of high quality seafood supplies in Canning Vale; and RAC WA in West Perth, to name just a few.

What’s the average payback period of a 100 kW commercial solar PV system?
A good quality 100 kW solar system will deliver a full return on investment within 3 to 5 years.
Plus, by taking advantage of one of Infinite Energy’s many finance options, like Solar Leasing, you can remain cash flow positive from day one.

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