LONGi leads the solar PV( Longi Solar Panel with Pakistan Solar Traders ) industry to new heights with product innovations and optimized power-cost ratio with breakthrough monocrystalline technologies. LONGi supplies more than 30GW of high-efficiency solar wafers and modules worldwide yearly, about a quarter of global market demand. LONGi is recognized as the world’s most valuable solar technology company with the highest market value. Innovation and sustainable development are two of LONGi’s core values.
Relying on LONGi Solar’s strong financial health, LONGi Solar Panel will continue to invest more in technology R&D and low-LCOE solutions, leading to Win-Win, together with customers.
- Multiple power options with the latest technology reaching 585 W
- High efficiency of up to 22.3%
- Guaranteed positive power tolerance of up to +5W
- LID Mono PERC technology allows slow degradation over the years
- Careful module BOM selection ensures Solid PID resistance
- Lower operating current allows reduced resistive loss
- The operating temperature is low, so it yields higher energy
- The optimized electrical design reduces hot spot risks
- Aesthetic design and compatible for both roof and ground installations
- Works best for all purposes such as residential, commercial and industrial
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